The What: Following closely on the footsteps of last month’s Carbon Smart Building Day Conference, the New Buildings Institute will be hosting a webinar to discuss key policy tools to meet climate goals in its Webinar: Zero Carbon/Energy Codes. As governments of all scales consider options for meeting deep greenhouse gas reduction goals, attention has turned to how to achieve zero energy or zero emissions from new construction in the building sector, which is responsible for more than 40% of emissions in most urban areas. This free webinar will examine the policy and technical drivers for these codes, the varying structures for already published low/zero carbon codes and policies, and the complex role of renewable generation in implementing these codes as mandatory requirements.

The When: Thursday, November 1st, 2018 @ 1:30 – 3:00 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time) and 10:30 am – 12:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
The Where: Online
The Who: Design Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and concerned people.
The Details: Featured speakers include Jim Edelson, Director of Codes and Policy at New Buildings Institute; Charles Eley, Consultant, NBI Fellow, and instrumental in crafting the ZERO Code for California; Christopher Meyer, Manager at Building Standards Office, California Energy Commission; and Bill Updike, Principal of Integral Group. Registration can be completed here.
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