Mussey Grade Foundation will be hosting a four-day hands-on Eco-Village Design Workshop in Ramona, California from December 16 – 19, 2013. Topics include eco-village planning, native plant restoration, earthbag construction, ‘pocket house’ design, grey water system design, drought-tolerant landscaping, food forest cultivation, green remodeling, owl box construction, and more. Among the instructors are Thomas Rettenwender, an architect and green building instructor, and Gary Mooring, a permaculture designer and natural building instructor.

The mission of the Mussey Grade Foundation is to provide a model of sustainable living that teaches self-sufficient permaculture techniques including water and energy conservation, green building, and farming, while stimulating economic growth. Our vision is to create an environment that is rooted in the ethics of working with, rather than against nature. Applying a holistic view of the earth and its inhabitants, we strive to be an example of reintegrating dynamic human settlements within the natural ecosystem. The concepts and themes we teach help us show the world ways that we can contribute positively to earth, ourselves, and humanity. All curious minds are welcome.

Where: Mussey Grade Village Park – 14625 Mussey Grade Road, Ramona, California (45 miles North East of San Diego, California)
When: Mon Dec 16 – Thur Dec 19, 2013
Workshop Fee: $90.00 / 4 days or $30 / day – Scholarships and work exchange available
Discounts: Available to students, military personnel, Native Americans, and locals.
No prior experience is necessary and UC Santa Cruz Environmental Studies Internship credit is available. For additional details, visit the Mussey Grade Foundation workshop page.

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