The What: Architecture 2030 and CEDAAB are hosting an important international conference on China’s move towards a Zero Net Carbon built environment. China ratified the historic Paris Agreement on climate change on September 3, 2016 and committed to taking a global leadership role in addressing this crisis. China is currently urbanizing at a rate unmatched in human history. Over the next few decades, China will build 1.5-2.5 billion sqm new buildings annually as China’s urban population grows by about 350 million people. Today, buildings account for about 30% of China’s greenhouse gas emissions, but this is projected to increase rapidly as more people move into cities to find work.
To meet the commitment of Paris agreement, this International Zero Net Carbon Conference will establish that Zero Net Carbon (ZNC) building design is essential and achievable for dramatically reducing GHG emissions in the Chinese building sector.
The When: October 27th Thursday
The Where: Songshan Hotel, Wuhan, China
The Who: Everyone who cares about getting to zero
The How: Register here.
The Details: The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development / China Green Building Council China will discuss policies and commitment to a low/zero carbon built environment. Ed Mazria, Architecture 2030 will discuss The Six Principles for Zero Net Carbon Design. Carl Elefante, AIA President-Elect will share guidelines, strategies, tools, and resources to support low carbon design. SOM, ZGF, NBBJ, Perkins+Will, DLR and more will present their international and Chinese project case studies in urban planning, residential and community design, and commercial and institutional projects.
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