The What: The 11th Annual Water Conservation Showcase brings together designers, building professionals, decision makers, and community members to discuss the latest in water conservation strategies, technologies, policies, and resources. There will be in-depth presentations including several of them focusing on drought issues. There will be more than thirty representatives from the manufacturing sector Aquacell and GreenWater Technology as well as water management organizations such as the Contra Costa Water District and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
This event is organized through the combined efforts of the PG&E Pacific Energy Center, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), and the U.S. Green Building Council’s Northern California Chapter (USGBC-NCC). Water conservation topics including policies, rebates, business case studies, treatment innovations, stormwater management, low impact development, water supply history and future, and water re-use solutions. Learn how you can reduce your water impact on the environment.
The When: Tuesday, March 25th 2014, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
The Where: The event will take place at the PG&E Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard Street, San Francisco, California.
The Who:
- Anyone who is concerned about the state of water today and water conservation.
- Representatives from municipal water districts, diverse development sectors, research institutions, product manufacturers, non-profit organizations, government agencies, professional associations, consulting and investment firms, and more.
- Local and national experts.
The How: The event is free, but please register at Eventbrite.

The Details: There will be eight panel discussions. Each session is approved for (1) Continuing Education Hour for LEED Professional credential maintenance.
- Water Flows Downhill, As It Always Has: A Look At the History of People and Water
- Opportunities for Joint Water-Energy Efficiency Programs
- Water Utility Response to the Drought
- California Schools Connect the Drops – Water is Precious (Case Studies of K-12 Schools)
- Water Conservation At Large Institutions (Case Studies)
- The Role of Compost in Creating Climate-Adaptive Soils
- Water Conservation In the Landscape (Case Studies)
- Report on the Results from the Northern California Greywater Systems Study
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