The seminar: Circadian Rhythms for Health will take place on January 11th in Sacramento, CA, United States. Lighting affects our health in ways you will be surprised to learn about. Designers, office managers, school, and all facilites need to be aware of the light spectrum and intensity’s affect on human health.
Learning Objectives: You will learn that incumbent lighting systems provide light levels that do not satisfy current recommendations for an aging population, making it challenging to save energy when implementing lighting upgrades, and making it important to continue to increase lighting source and system efficacies. You will understand the importance of lighting spectrum for health and about non-visual effects of light. You will learn about availability of new systems with new potential applications and benefits for LED lighting systems in healthcare, education, residential, and other types of facilities. You will learn that exposure to bright light at night with the possible corresponding suppression of melatonin may contribute to disturbed sleep patterns and of health concerns about this for the general population.
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